Our Vision
We are a boutique medical records billing management provider. We offer highly customizable services that cater to your needs. Our niche is serving small clinics and businesses that are typically under-served if not completely ignored by big, impersonal providers (BIPs).
Your cash flow is just as critical to your operation as it is to “the big guys”. The Big, Impersonal Providers view small operators as not worth much of their time since your accounts are not especially profitable to them. This is where we specialize! You need the same services as “the big guys”. And you also need and want a very high level of eager, responsive support that these large accounts receive.
Smaller firms that don’t have the budget to afford or just don’t want their critical records management needs outsourced to some off-shore operation in India are our bread and butter. If you have a problem, issue or question you will find yourself speaking with someone in the USA minutes, not hours/days/weeks after you request assistance.
Yes, we are small and we only have a limited number of services that we are very good at providing. But you will immediately notice what exceptionally awesome support feels like as soon as you engage with us! Drop us a note or give us a call and let’s see how we can work together to solve your medical records management bottlenecks.

I can do things you cannot
Mother Teresa
You can do things I cannot
Together we can do great things
Why Choose Us?
What makes us different?
- We expedite electronic claims processes to assure clean, payable claims are paid within 48 hours.
- We batch our transmittals to payers so they process your claims fast. Our goal is 100% payment for each batch.
- We automatically re-bill previously denied claims by assuring the viability of a claim and correcting the areas that triggered a denial if the claim is, in fact, viable.
- See our policy regarding how we protect HIPPA on each and every processed claim.
- Try us out! Give us your batch of claims that had a 20% or greater kick out rate and see how we lower that number and get the rate a lot closer to a 100% payout!
The TruIntegrity Value Proposition
If you work in a large firm with thousands of patients a big, impersonal service provider may work well for you. You may actually generate a sufficient amount of revenue for them to actually care about you as a customer. They will happily handle the 80%-85% of claims that get paid without dispute or rejection and do so efficiently. How they handle the remaining claims that aren’t low hanging fruit will vary by provider. If you are unhappy with that segment of their service, feel free to contact us for a no cost, no obligation consultation. Perhaps we can help. You’ll never know if you don’t contact us.
Our primary niche is servicing those small clinics and medical practices that the big impersonal service providers aren’t all that eager to take on. They often view you as more work than you are worth. But for us, you are our bread and butter. We thrive on helping small businesses where cash flow is critical to staying afloat and making payroll. That agent in Bangalore calling herself Tiffany may think that letting your claims languish for months is no big deal but to you (and US!) it is a very big deal.
We are an Oregon based company. We outsource nothing offshore or anywhere else for that matter. You are a local small business so you understand the value proposition dealing with another local business. Even this web site is local. And green. Our ISP has servers right here in town that run off renewable energy. No salmon were injured serving up this page for you to read!
Contact us using our contact form or e-mail. Or call us!